Two Reasons to Pursue a Tacoma Car Accident Claim with an Experienced Attorney on Your Side

Two Reasons to Pursue a Tacoma Car Accident Claim with an Experienced Attorney on Your Side

If you have been involved in a car accident in Tacoma, you might be wondering whether or not to speak with an attorney. Also, you might not sure whether to accept the settlement offer from the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. While accepting the initial offer can seem like the easiest option now, there are other things to think about first. And although you are not legally required to hire a Tacoma car accident lawyer, you must get legal representation when you sustained injuries and other damages in a car accident. The following are the best reasons you need an attorney on your side:

Insurance Providers Only Care About their Bottom Line

Insurance is a business, so providers will do everything to protect their bottom line. If you sustained injuries in a car accident and the negligence of another driver caused it, you can file a claim against their insurance provider. However, insurers will want to protect their financial interest instead of helping you. They will put a fight to try to devalue your claim or deny it outright.

To save money on your claim, the insurance company will quickly make a lowball settlement offer. Unfortunately, this offer doesn’t reflect the compensation amount that covers all of your current and possible future losses. When the company calculated a settlement offer, it focused on reducing its liability and the risk of litigation. However, if you accept their offer, you will permanently lose your right to make more claims associated with your accident. You can avoid all these possibilities when you have an attorney working on your case.

Personal Injury Cases are Complex

After you sustained a car accident injury, you have certain rights you must protect and uphold. These include the right to monetary compensation. A complex system of law governs such rights, which is why you need a lawyer to help you navigate through it. 

Insurance companies have claims adjusters who are well trained to look for evidence that can be used against you. The adjuster assigned to your claim might ask you seemingly innocent questions meant to lead you into admitting fault for the accident. Also, they might ask you to provide them with recorded statements but you must not give in to such a request. They may even stalk you on social media to find evidence to prove your injuries are exaggerated. 

Furthermore, when you pursue a personal injury claim, you must keep up with several deadlines and follow strict procedural requirements. As you go through all these, you can make mistakes along the way. A skilled attorney can provide you with practical advice, so you can avoid these mistakes and overcome the tactics of the adjuster.