Tips For Finding The Perfect Engagement Ring For Your Partner
Are you searching for an engagement ring? Congratulations on this big step!
The process of getting married is an exciting time, but sometimes also stressful! As grooms (and jewelers) who have gone through organizing a wedding and even harder: finding the right engagement ring, we thought the least we could do is share our experience.
Numerous questions come to mind while researching the perfect engagement ring. How much should you spend? Where should you buy it? What kind of ring should you buy? What diamond should you buy? Or should you go for an alternative stone? With the plethora of options in front of you, we’ll try to help you make the process simpler and more familiar.
There are three standard steps to find the perfect engagement ring for you. If you search for an engagement ring for your partner, without your partners’ knowledge.
- Find your partners taste, color, size
- Choose the Stone
- Choose the Material
Find your partner’s size and taste.
Find the ring finger size.
“How should I know her/his ring finger size?” We get this question quite often. First of all, the size of the ring finger on the left and right hand might differ. Try to find out where your partner wants to wear the engagement ring, which is traditionally on the left hand. The easiest way would be to secretly borrow an existing ring that is worn on that finger and ask a local jeweler or us to measure the ring with a ring sizer.
In case your partner has no ring for the ring finger, either measure the finger yourself or be a good actor/actress. For the latter, you might consider taking your partner into trying a random fashion jewelry ring on your next shopping tour.
Knowing your partner’s taste of rings
Finding your partner’s engagement ring taste is a process you should start early on. This is a decision where you are in the best position to decide. However, here are a few things we highly recommend are:
- Don’t follow trends
- Get others involved like your partner’s stylish friend, inspiring parent, or local jeweler
- Randomly ask what your partner thinks of friends engagement rings
- Work with a jeweler like us for help, since often fashion style and personality lead to a type of engagement ring
- Get the color right: Though your partner might only wear gold jewelry, he/she might still want a classical white color for the engagement ring
The Diamond
Diamonds have become a cultural symbol of love in the past century. While some of this has been due to advertisements, a lot of it is the beauty, allure, and a diamond’s ability to stand the test of time. We always suggest that if you are planning to propose, you can consider a beautiful 3 carat marquise diamond engagement ring for your loved one because the stone can be worn daily without much wear and tear.
How to choose the right diamond for you?
Various factors can influence your decision for what diamond you might choose: shape, cut, size(carat), color, clarity, famously called the 4Cs.
We always believe if you are not sure what you are buying or are not happy with the look of the stone, always ask for a GIA certificate. The only drawback is with GIA certificates. It is still harder to get a good deal. And getting a great stone on paper doesn’t always mean that the stone will look the brightest. However, there are many more details to consider. For a more profound outlook please refer to the material guide online. We hope this little guide helps you out.